What Do We Have To Lose?

My pastor posed this question several weeks ago, and it has floundered in my head since. He was referencing the lack of fire, lack of passion that many Christians have for their faith. Although in recent years, some of our Christian freedoms have been questioned and taken away, we are still free to worship as Christians in America. Of the roughly 173 million Christian Americans, how many of us are “on fire for God”? Are you? Am I? Are we not on fire for Him because our right to practice Christianity has not been, for the most part, greatly threatened in America? Most churches are open Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening and at other specific times throughout the week for prayer, Bible study, and other events. Are we taking advantage of these opportunities?
If something is freely given to us, and is available 100% of the time, are we less likely to appreciate it? I think of people who are born into wealthy or moderately well-off families and who are given their every need and desire without having to perform much, if any, work. Is it more difficult for these people to appreciate the blessings they have been given? In much the same way, as American Christians, do we appreciate the opportunities we have to worship God and to spread the Good News to those around us?

Paul, as did Jesus’ original disciples, likely left behind a comfortable home to follow Jesus and to spread His message for years at a time. How difficult do you think it was for him to leave his position and his home to follow Jesus? The Bible does not tell us if Paul was ever married, but surely he had other family members and friends that he loved. But he, like so many other disciples, left his comforts for a life of faith. These disciples put all of their faith in God to provide for them as they ministered on the street, in the marketplace and to crowds in various places. Paul would find odd jobs in each town he visited to help pay for what he needed. Matthew 6:31 says “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?” What would happen if we put all of our faith in God? What would happen if we only listened to Him and obeyed Him, and our life was spent listening to his direction for us and we trusted completely in Him?

This morning I read an article on ChristianHeadlines.com about four Iranian Christians who are about to be sentenced to 10 years in prison for “promoting Zionist Christianity”. The pastor of the Church of Iran and three of its members all face the same fate for spreading God’s Word (read the article HERE >). Ten years in prison might not sound as bad as some potential alternatives, but you have to remember that prison in the Middle East is nothing like American prison. There are numerous reports of the horrific conditions in these prisons and the torment that is faced daily.

If you look beyond the mainstream media, you will find stories of many Christians who are serving sentences in horrific conditions for their faith. I can’t help but think of Paul and the brutality he must have faced when in prison for his Christian beliefs. He, and so many others throughout history, have risked everything, including their own lives, to get God’s Word out and to try to lead just one more soul to salvation.

We have every opportunity to do this, in a free country. It should be second nature to us to tell someone about Jesus. Every opportunity to learn more about His Word and to praise Him should be taken. Are we doing this? Why aren’t we? As nonsensical as it might sound, is it possible that as a nation, we might be lukewarm because we have less to lose?


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